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Low/Mid-Rise Residential Buildings

Mid-Rise Residential Buildings: Text

188 West 41st Avenue

188 West 41st Avenue is a 4-storey residential development with 72 apartments and 16 townhouses over 2 storeys of below-grade parking.  

Mark is the CP for the Project. It is currently under construction. 

Image credit: RH Architects Inc.

188 West 41st Ave.JPG
Mid-Rise Residential Buildings: Projects

545 E Cordova Street

545 E Cordova Street is a concrete 6-storey residential building built on a narrow site in the Downtown Eastside neighbourhood.

Mark is the CP for the project. It is currently under construction.

Image credit: Lookout Housing + Health Society

545 Cordova.JPG
Mid-Rise Residential Buildings: Projects

1124 Vancouver Street, Victoria

1124 Vancouver Street is a 6-storey wood-frame residential building in Victoria, BC. It has one storey of below-grade parking and an amenity roof deck. 

Mark provided code consulting services during the design development of this project.

Image credit: Ciccozzi Architecture

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Mid-Rise Residential Buildings: Projects

Chloe - 2096 W 47th Avenue

2096 West 47th Avenue is a 4-storey mixed-use building with ground-floor commercial retail units, three levels of residential suites, and amenity/private rooftop terraces.

While working at LMDG, Mark was the project coordinator and Certified Professional on the project. He consulted on the building code, prepared alternative solutions, and coordinated the CP building permit application.

Image credit: Matchpoint Development

Mid-Rise Residential Buildings: Projects
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